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1 March 2012

Raphaël Hertzog: My Debian Activities in February 2012

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (384.14 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg and multiarch The month started with a decision of the technical committee which allowed me to proceed with an upload of a multiarch dpkg even if Guillem had not yet finished his review (and related changes). Given this decision, Guillem made the experimental upload himself. I announced the availability of this test version and invited people to test it. This lead to new discussions on debian-devel. We learned in those discussions that Guillem changed his mind about the possibility of sharing (identical) files between multiple Multi-Arch: same packages, and that he dropped that feature. But if this point of the multiarch design had been reverted, it would mean that we had to update again all library packages which had already been updated for multi-arch. The discussions mostly stalled at this point with a final note of Guillem explaining that there was a tension between convenience and doing the right things every time that we discuss far-reaching changes. After a few weeks (and a helpful summary from Russ Allbery), Guillem said that he remained unconvinced but that he put back the feature. He also announced that he s close to having completed the work and that he would push the remaining parts of the multiarch branch to master this week (with the 1.16.2 upload planned next week). That s it for the summary. Obviously I participated in the discussions but I didn t do much besides this I have a mandate to upload a multiarch dpkg to sid but I did not want to make use of it while those discussions remained pretty unconclusive. Also Guillem made it pretty clear that the multiarch implementation was buggy , not right and not finished and that he had reworked code fixing at least some of the issues since he never shared that work in progress, I also had no way to help even just by reviewing what he s doing. We also got a few multiarch bug reports, but I couldn t care to get them fixed since Guillem clearly held a lock on the codebase having done many private changes it s not quite like this that I expect to collaborate on a free software project but life is full of surprises! I ll be relieved once this story is over. In the mean time, I have added one new thing on my TODO list since I made a proposal to handle bin-nmu changelogs and it s something that could also fix #440094. Misc dpkg stuff After a discussion with Guillem, we agreed that copyright notices should only appear in the sources and not in manual pages or --version output, both of which are translated and cause useless work to translators when updated. Guillem already had some code to do it for --version strings, and I took care of the changes for the manual pages. I merged some minor documentation updates, fixed a bug with a missing manpage. Later I discovered that some recent changes lead to the loss of all the translated manual pages. I suggested an improvement to dh_installman to fix this (and even prepared a patch). In the end, Guillem opted for another way of installing translated manual pages. Triggered by a discussion on debian-devel, I added a new entry to my TODO list: implementing dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile_if_owner to deal with the case where a conffile is taken over by another package which might (or might not) be installed. Misc packaging At the start of the month, I packaged quilt 0.51. The number of Debian specific patches is slowly getting down. With version 0.51, we dropped 5 patches and introduced a new one. Later in the month I submitted 4 supplementary patches upstream which have been accepted for version 0.60. This new version (just released, I will package it soon) is an important milestone since it s the first version without any C code (Debian had this for a long time but we were carrying an intrusive patch for this). Upstream developer Jean Delvare worked on this and based his work on our patch, but he went further to make it much more efficient. Besides quilt, I also uploaded dh-linktree 0.2 (minor doc update), sql-ledger 2.8.36 (new upstream version), logidee-tools 1.2.12 (minor fixes) and publican 2.8-2 (to fix release critical bug #660795). Debian Consultants The Debian Project Leader is working on federating Debian Companies. As the owner of Freexian SARL, I was highly interested in it since Freexian contributes to Debian, offers support for Debian and has a strategic interest in Debian . There s only one problem, you need to have at least 2 Debian developers on staff but I have no employees (it s me only). I tried to argue that I have already worked with multiple Debian developers (as contractors) when projects were too big for me alone (or when I did not have enough time). Alas this argument was not accepted. Instead, and since our fearless leader is never afraid to propose compromises, he suggested me (and MJ Ray who argued something similar than me) to try to bring life to the Debian Consultants list which (in his mind) would be more appropriate for one-man companies like mine. I accepted to help animate the list, and on his side, he s going to promote both the Debian Companies and the Debian Consultants lists. In any case, the list has seen some traffic lately and you re encouraged to join if you re a freelancer offering services around Debian. The most promising thing is that James Bromberger offered to implement a real database of consultants instead of the current static page. Book update We made quite some progress this month. There s only one chapter left to translate. I thus decided to start with proofreading. I made a call for volunteers and I submitted one (different) chapter to 5 proofreaders. The liberation campaign made a nice leap forwards thanks to good coverage on We have reached 80% while we were only at 72% at the start of the month (thanks to the 113 new supporters!). There s thus less than 5000 EUR to raise before the book gets published under a free license. Looking at the progression in the past months, this is unlikely to be completed on time for the release of the book in April. It would be nice though so please share the news around you. Speaking of the book s release, I m slowly preparing it. Translating docbook files is not enough, I must be able to generate HTML, ePub and PDF versions of the book. I m using Publican for most formats, but for the PDF version Publican is moving away of fop and the replacement (webkit-based) is far from being satisfactory to generate a book ready for print. So I plan to use dblatex and get Publican to support dblatex as a backend. I have hired Beno t Guillon, the upstream author of dblatex, to fix some annoying bugs and to improve it to suit my needs for the book (some results are already in the upstream CVS repository). I m also working with a professional book designer to get a nice design. I have also started to look for a Python Django developer to build the website that I will use to commercialize the book. The website will have a larger goal than just this though ( helping to fund free software developers ) but in free software it s always good to start with your own case. :-) Hopefully everything will be ready in April. I m working hard to meet that deadline (you might have noticed that my blog has been relatively quiet in the last month ). Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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7 February 2012

Raphaël Hertzog: Dpkg with multiarch support available in Debian experimental

As I announced on debian-devel, Guillem Jover uploaded a snapshot of dpkg s multiarch branch to experimental (version 1.16.2~wipmultiarch). Beware: There will
likely be some small interface changes between this version and the version that will be released later in unstable (possibly in the output of dpkg --get-selections, dpkg --list, maybe other commands). multiarch allows you to install packages from different architectures on the same machine. This can be useful if your computer can run programs from 2 architectures (eg. x86 CPU supporting i386 and amd64), or if you often need to cross-compile software and thus need the libraries of your target architecture. Test dpkg with multiarch support If you want to test multiarch support in dpkg, install the package from experimental (apt-get install dpkg/experimental assuming you have experimental in your sources.list). Then you can add a supplementary architecture to your system by doing sudo dpkg --add-architecture <arch> (e.g. i386 if you are on amd64, and vice-versa). APT will automatically pick up the new architecture and start downloading the Packages file for the new architecture (it uses dpkg --print-foreign-architectures to know about them). From there on you can install packages from the foreign architectures with apt-get install foo:<arch> . Many packages will not be installable because some of their dependencies have not yet been updated to work with in a multiarch world (libraries must be installed in a multiarch-compliant path so as to be co-installable, and then marked Multi-Arch: same ). Other dependencies might need to be marked Multi-Arch: foreign . See for more HOWTO-like explanations. Now is a good time to see if you can install the foreign packages that you could need in such a setup and to help to convert the required libraries. You can also read Cyril Brulebois article which quickly shows how to hunt for the problematic packages which have not been converted to multiarch (in his sample, ucf is not ready. Since it s an Architecture: all package which can run on any architecture, it means that it s lacking a Multi-Arch: foreign field). Report bugs If you discover any bug in dpkg s multiarch implementation, please report it to the Bug Tracking System (against dpkg with the version 1.16.2~wipmultiarch ). If you notice important libraries or packages which are not yet multiarch ready, please open wishlist bug reports requesting the conversion and point the maintainers towards the wiki page linked above. Even better, prepare patches and submit those with your bug reports. Again, you can follow the lead of Cyril Brulebois who filed 6 bugs! Review the multiarch implementation If you re a C programmer and have some good knowledge of dpkg (or are willing to learn more of it), we would certainly benefit from more eyes reviewing the multiarch branch. If you want to discuss some design issues of the multiarch implementation in dpkg (or have questions related to your review), please get in touch via The latest version of the branch is pu/multiarch/master in Guillem s personal repository. I have my own version of the branch (pu/multiarch/full) which is usually a snapshot of Guillem s branch with my own submitted fixes.
$ git clone git://
$ cd dpkg
$ git remote add guillem git://
$ git remote add buxy git://
$ git fetch guillem && git fetch buxy
If you followed the instructions above, the relevant branches are thus guillem/pu/multiarch/master and buxy/pu/multiarch/full. Both branches are regularly rebased on top of master where Guillem merges progressively the commits from the multi-arch branch as his review progresses. Thank you in advance for your help bringing multiarch in shape for Debian Wheezy,

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1 February 2012

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian Activities in January 2012

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (213.68 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg The biggest change I made is a small patch that brings to an end years and years of recurring discussions about the build-arch and build-indep targets of debian/rules (see #229357). Last year the technical committee took this issue in its hands (see #629385) but it failed to take any resolution. Fortunately thanks to this we got some concrete numbers on the colateral damages inflicted on the archive for each possible approach. In the end, Guillem and I managed to agree on the way forward. The remaining of what I did as dpkg maintainer has not much to do with coding. I reviewed the work of Gianluca Ciccarelli on dpkg-maintscript-helper who is trying to provide helper functions to handle migration between directories and symlinks. I also reviewed a 2000-lines patch from Patrick Schoenfeld who s trying to provide a perl API to parse dpkg log files and extract meaningful data out of them. I updated the dpkg-architecture manual page to document the Makefile snippet /usr/share/dpkg/ and to drop information that s no longer releveant nowadays. I reviewed a huge patch prepared by Russ Alberry to update the Debian policy and document the usage of symbols files for libraries. As the author of dpkg-gensymbols, I was keen to see it properly documented at the policy level. I brought up for discussion a detail that was annoying me for quite some time: some copyright notices were embedded in translatable strings and updating them resulted in useless work for translators. In the end we decided to drop those notices and to keep them only at the source level. I updated my multiarch branch on top of Guillem s branch several times, all the fixes that were in my branch have been integrated (often in a modified form). Unfortunately even if the code works quite well, Guillem doesn t want to release anything to Debian until he has finished to review everything and many people are annoyed by the unreasonable delay that it imposes. Cyril Brulebois tried to release a snapshot of the current multiarch branch to experimental but Guillem has been prompt to revert this upload. I m somewhat at a loss in this situation. I offered my help to Guillem multiple times but he keeps doing his work in private, he doesn t share many details of his review except some comments in commit logs or when it affects the public interface. I complained once more of this sad situation. Debian Package Maintenance Hub That s the codename I use for a new infrastructure that I would like to develop to replace the Package Tracking System and the DDPO and several other services. I started to draft a Debian Enhancement Proposal (DEP), see DEP-2, and requested some comments within the QA team. For now, it looks like that nobody had major objections on the driving idea behind this project. Those who commented were rather enthusiastic. I will continue to improve this DEP within the QA team and at some point I will bring the discussion to a larger audience like Package Tracking System Even if I started to design its replacement, the PTS will still be used for quite some time so I implemented two new features that I deemed important: displaying a TODO notice when there is (at least) one open bug related to a release goal, displaying a notice when the package is involved in an ongoing or upcoming transition. Misc packaging tasks I created and uploaded the dh-linktree package which is a debhelper addon to create symlink trees (useful to replace embedded copies of PHP/JavaScript libraries by symlinks to packaged copies of those files). I packaged quilt 0.50. I helped the upstream authors to merge a Debian patch that had been forwarded by Martin Quinson (a quilt s co-maintainer). I packaged a security release of WordPress (3.3.1) and a new upstream release of feed2omb and gnome-shell-timer. I prepared a new Debian release of python-django with a patch cherry-picked from the upstream SVN repository to fix the RC bug #655666. Book update We re again making decent progress in the translation of the Debian Administrator s Handbook, about 12 chapters are already translated. The liberation campaign is also (slowly) going forward. We re at 72% now (thanks to 63 new supporters!) while we were only at 67% at the start of January. Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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16 January 2012

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Review of my Debian related goals for 2011

Last year I shared my Debian related goals for 2011 . I tend to put more goals than what I can reasonably complete alone and this year was no exception. Let s have a look.
  1. Translate my Debian book into English: PARTLY DONE
    It took more time than expected to prepare and to run the fundraising campaign but it has been successful and the translation is happening right now.
  2. Finish multiarch support in dpkg: DONE BUT NOT ENTIRELY MERGED YET
    Yes, multiarch support was already in the pipe last year in January. I completed the development between January and April (it was sponsored by Linaro) and since then it has mostly been waiting on Guillem to review it, tweak it, and integrate it.
  3. Make deb files use XZ compression by default: TRIED BUT ABANDONED
    After discussing the issue with Colin Watson and Joey Hess during debconf, I came to the conclusion that it was not really desirable at this point. The objections were that debian-installer was not ready for it and that it adds a new dependency on xz for debootstrap to work on non-Debian systems. I believe that the debian-installer side is no longer a problem since unxz is built in busybox-udeb (since version 1:1.19.3-2). For the other side, there s not much to do except ensuring that xz is portable to all the other OS we care about. DAK has been updated too (see #556407).
  4. Be more reactive to review/merge dpkg patches: PARTLY DONE
    I don t think we had any patch that received zero input. We still have a backlog of patches, and the situation is far from ideal but the situation improved.
  5. Implement the rolling distribution proposed as part of the CUT project and try to improve the release process: NOT DONE
    We had a BoF during debconf, we discussed it at length on debian-devel, but in the end we did nothing out of it. Except Josselin Mouette who wrote a proof of concept for his idea. For me testing is already what people are expecting from a rolling distribution. It s just a matter of documenting how to effectively use testing, and of some marketing by defining rolling as alias to testing.
  6. Work more regularly on the developers-reference: PARTLY DONE
    I did contribute some new material to the document but not as much as I could have hoped. On the other hand, I have been rather reactive to ensure that sane patches got merged. We need more people writing new parts and updating the existing content.
  7. Write a 10-lesson course called Smart Package Management : NOT DONE
  8. Create an information product (most likely an ebook or an online training) and sell it on my blog: NOT DONE
    This was supposed to happen after the translation of the Debian Administrator s Handbook. Since the translation is not yet over, I did not start to work on this yet.
  9. By the end of the year, have at least 1/3 of my time funded by donations and/or earnings of my information products: NOT REACHED
    My target was rather aggressive with 700 each month, and given that I did not manage to complete any information product, I m already very pleased to have achieved a mean amount of 204 of donations each month (min: 91 , max: 364 ). It s more than two times better than in 2010. Thank you! Note that those figures do not take into account the revenues of the fundraising of the Debian Administrator s Handbook since they will be used for its translation.
That makes quite a lot of red (for things that I did not achieve) on the other hand I completed projects that I did not foresee and did not plan. For instance improving dpkg-buildflags and then merging Kees Cook work on hardened build flags was an important step for Debian. This was waiting for so long already

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3 January 2012

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian Activities in December 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (364.18 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg and Multiarch I had some hope to have a multiarch-enabled dpkg in sid for Christmas as Guillem told me that it was realistic. Alas Guillem got sick. We re in January and we re still not there. While some of Guillem s commits in December were related to multi-arch, the size of his pu/multiarch/master branch did not really shrink. We still have 36 commits to merge most of the work he did was refactoring some parts of the code that were already merged. And he initiated some discussion on interface changes. I participated to those discussions hoping to bring them to a quick resolution. I m still maintaining my own pu/multiarch/full branch, it is based on Guillem s branch but with further fixes that I developed and that he has not yet merged and with a change reverted (Guillem s branch allows crossgrading packages between different architectures while dpkg does not manage this correctly yet). I can only hope that January will be the last month of this never-ending saga. It s been one year since I started working on this project. :- Misc dpkg work I reviewed (and later merged) a patch of Kees Cook to enhance dpkg-buildflags so that it can report which hardening features are enabled. This feature might then be used by tools like lintian to detect missing hardening features. I mentored Gianluca Ciccarelli who is trying to enhance dpkg-maintscript-helper to take care of replacing a directory by a symlink and vice-versa. I took care of #651993 so that dpkg-mergechangelogs doesn t fail when it encounters an invalid version in the changelog, and of #652414 so that dpkg-source --commit accepts a relative filename when a patch file is explicitly given. Guillem also merged a fix I developed for LP#369898. Packaging work WordPress 3.3 came out so I immediately packaged it. Despite my upstream bug report, they did not update their GPL compliance page which offers the corresponding sources for what s bundled in the tarball. So I hunted for the required sources myself, and bundled them in the debian.tar.xz of the Debian source package. It s a rather crude solution but this allowed me to close the release critical bug #646729 and to reintroduce the Flash files that were dropped in the past which is great since the Flash-based file uploader is nicer than the one using the browser s file field. Quilt 0.50 came out after 2 years of (slow) development. The Debian package has many patches and several of them had to be updated to cope with the new upstream release. Fortunately some of them were also merged upstream. It still took an entire morning to complete this update. I also converted the packaging from CDBS to dh with a short rules file. Zim 0.54 came out and I immediately updated the package since it fixed a bug that was annoying me. Review of the ledgersmb packaging As the sql-ledger maintainer (and a user of this software for my accounting), I have been hoping to get ledgersmb packaged as a possible replacement for it. I have been following the various efforts initiated over time but none of them resulted in a real package in Debian. This is a real pity so I tried to fix this by offering to sponsor package uploads. That s why I did a first review of the packaging. It took several hours because you have to explain everything that s not good enough. I also filed a wishlist bug against lintian (#652963) to suggest that lintian should detect improper usage of dpkg-statoverride (this is a mistake that was present in the package that I reviewed). nautilus-dropbox work I wanted to polish the package in time for the Ubuntu LTS release and since Debian Import Freeze is in January, I implemented some of the important fixes that I wanted. The Debian package diverges from upstream in that the non-free binaries are installed in /var/lib/dropbox/ instead of $HOME.
Due to a bug, the files were not properly root-owned so I first fixed this (unpacking the tarball as root lead to reuse of the embedded user & group information, and those information changed recently on the Dropbox side apparently). Then we recently identified other problems related to proxy handling (see #651065). I fixed this too because it s relatively frequent that the initial download triggered during the package configuration fails and in that case it s the user that will re-trigger a package download after having given the appropriate credentials through PackageKit. Without my fix, usage of pkexec would imply the loss of the http_proxy environment variable and thus it would not be possible for a user to download through a proxy. Last but not least I reorganized the Debian specific patches to better separate what can and should be merged upstream, from the changes that upstream doesn t want. Unfortunately Dropbox insists on being able to auto-update their non-free binaries, they are, thus, against the installation under /var/lib/dropbox and the corresponding changes. Book update We re making decent progress in the translation of the Debian Administrator s Handbook, about 6 chapters are already translated (not yet reviewed though). The liberation campaign is also (slowly) going forward. We re at 67% now (thanks to 90 new supporters!) while we were only at 60% at the start of December. Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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2 December 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian Activities in November 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (310.73 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg: Multi-Arch Saga I know lots of people are waiting the landing of multiarch in Debian unstable, and so am I. Things are progressing, though not as quickly as I hoped. Guillem merged about half of the branch between the 24th October and the 6th of November. After that most of the work happened on his personal repository in his pu/multiarch/master branch. I verify this repository from time to time because Guillem does not inform me when he has made progress. I noticed changes on his repository on the 10th, 19th, 23th, 28th of November and on the 1th of December. He announced a long time ago that he had some interface changes and up to now only wrote about the switch from the command-line option --foreign-architecture (to put in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg) to the explicit command dpkg --add-architecture that only needs to be called once (see mail here). As of today (December 2th), the promised email for the other interface changes is still not here. On November 23th, I reviewed Guillem s work and tried to run the code in his branch. I spent the whole day chasing up regressions and submitted lots of fixes to Guillem. Thanks to the extensive test-suite I wrote when I developed my branch, it has been fairly easy to track them all down. All the issues I reported have been fixed in the latest version of Guillem s branch although the fixes are often slightly different from those that I submitted. Dpkg: Squeeze Backport At the start of the month, I uploaded what I expected to be a fairly uncontroversial backport of dpkg It turns out I was wrong. After some discussion, I think we came to an agreement that it was acceptable to backport dpkg-dev and libdpkg-perl only. My goal was not to bring the latest dpkg to users but to make it easier for package maintainers to backport packages using new features provided by dpkg-dev >= 1.16 (such as hardening build flags, the makefile snippets provided in /usr/share/dpkg/, or the improved dpkg-buildflags interface). Thus I modified the source package uploaded to squeeze-backports to build only dpkg-dev and libdpkg-perl. It has been uploaded on November 23th and it s waiting in the NEW queue for a backports admin to process it. Misc Dpkg Work I merged a patch of Colin Watson to be able to verify build-dependencies for a foreign architecture (taking into account the Multi-Arch status of each package listed). I released dpkg with two minor fixes that were sitting in the sid branch. I wanted to get rid of this so that the path is clear for a 1.16.2 upload with multiarch. The package just migrated to testing so we re fine. I spent another day doing dpkg bug triaging on Launchpad, we re now down to 77 bugs with many of them tagged as incomplete and likely to expire in 2 months. The Debian Administrator s Handbook eBookWe released a sample chapter so that it s easier to have an idea of the quality of the book. The chapter covers the APT tools quite extensively. I bet that even you could learn something about apt-get/aptitude The crowfunding campaign on Ulule ended on November 28th.
With 675 supporters, we raised 24385 EUR. Of those, 14935 EUR have been put in the liberation fund and the rest corresponds to the various pre-orders and rewards offered. This means that the translation will happen (we just started) but that the book is currently not going to be released under a free license. Don t despair As planned, the liberation campaign is carried on until the 25 K target is reached! Instead of being hosted on Ulule, this permanent campaign is on the project website at Note that any contribution of 10 EUR or more means that you get a copy of the ebook as soon as it s available (even if the liberation target is not reached). Package Tracking System At the start of the month, I filed two ideas of improvements for the PTS in the bug tracking system: #647258 is about showing outstanding bugs that relate to a release goal and #647901 is about warning maintainers that the package is affected by a current transition. If you re a coder and want to start contributing to Debian and its QA team, those bugs could be interesting targets for a start. :-) In both cases, I have been in contact with members of the release team because those ideas require some structured data from the release team as input. Thanks to Meddi Dohguy and Niels Thykier for their help. Later in the month, the topic of relocating the PTS once again came up. For historical reasons, the PTS was hosted on together with the BTS. Nowadays the BTS has its own host and it made no sense anymore to have the PTS separate from the rest of the QA services hosted on (currently So together with Martin Zobel Helas we took care to plan the migration and on November 19th we executed the plan. It worked like a charm and almost nobody noticed (only one undocumented dependency was missed, which broke the SOAP interface). Misc Packaging Work WordPress was broken in Ubuntu and it was also not properly synchronized with Debian due to an almost useless change on their side. Thus I requested a sync so that the working version from Debian gets imported in Ubuntu. I sponsored the docbook-xsl 1.76.1 upload that I needed for Publican. Then I updated Publican just to discover that the test-suite triggers a new bug in fop (filed as #649476). I disabled the test-suite temporarily and uploaded Publican 2.8 to unstable. BTW, I also filed 2 upstream bugs with patches for issues I discovered while trying to generate the sample chapter of my book (see here and here). I uploaded a version 0.7.1 of nautilus-dropbox and fixed #648215 at the same time. I made an NMU of bison to fix a long-standing release critical bug that hit me once more during an upgrade (see #645038). I uploaded to experimental a new version of gnome-shell-timer compatible with GNOME 3.2. I took the opportunity to install from experimental the few GNOME 3.2 packages which are not yet in unstable Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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5 November 2011

Christian Perrier: People behind Debian: Rapha l Hertzog, dpkg maintainer, book author

It's about time that Rapha l is interviewed in the "People behind Debian" series he initiated on his blog. Indeed, when he interviews people, Rapha l asks about other people they could suggest for next interviews. So, during mine, I suggested him to be a next "victim". As he couldn't interview himself, I volunteered for this. As you'll see below, Rapha l (who's a friend of mine as I'm a friend of his) likes to speak and that shows in the length of his answers :-) but you always know more about Debian when reading his blog posts, books, mails, etc. I personnally think that he is among the best promoters of the project for years and it was a pleasure for me to conduct this interview. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Rapha l. Who are you? Hi, Rapha l Hertzog, I'm a 32 years old French Debian developer who is married and who has a 2-year old son. I'm running my own company (Freexian) since 2005, I started it 3 years after the end of my computer science studies. I'm also a very proud author of the Cahier de l'Admin Debian, a French book about Debian. You often wrote about your attempts to make your living partly, if not completely, out of your Debian work. Can you describe the way you're trying to do this? My first try has been with Freexian. I always advertised this company as being specialized in Debian GNU/Linux. While Freexian is successful enough to provide me a decent income, I'm not really satisfied with the result because very few of my contracts are about improving Debian. I use Debian daily for the benefit of my customers, writing new customer specific (embedded) software, deploying a service on Debian servers, etc. But except for the occasional bugfix, all this work does not improve Debian (the only exception has been the dpkg multiarch implementation work sponsored by Linaro). The positive side is that I don't need to fill my entire schedule to earn enough money to live. So I'm regularly taking some days off work to be able to contribute to Debian. This is a freedom that I enjoy... My French book has also been a bestseller and depending on the years the royalties represented between 1 and 2 months of supplementary time that I can spend on Debian (that is between 2000 and 4000 EUR of income). Now since last year, I decided to actively work towards my goal of making a living out of my Debian work. I want to build on what has been most successful for me up to now, that is my book. My strategy has been to build an audience around my blog: with a direct contact with my readers I have the opportunity to sell e-books, and without any intermediary taking the biggest part of the price, I don't need a very large audience to be successful. I have also been experiencing micro-donations with Flattr, people who are enjoying my articles on my blog can use it to give a few cents for each article they find useful. With a large enough userbase, this could fund free documentation and would avoid the need for commercial e-books but we're not there currently and I don't know if it will ever reach the critical mass. Last but not least, I'm soliciting donations for my Debian work on the sidebar of my blog, and I have the chance to a have a few (regular) donators. You're a proud father since last year. How do you manage your commitment to the project with your family life? There are few things that I put above Debian in my life, but my family certainly is. I try to handle most of my Debian duties during work hours so that I can spend time with my family on evenings and during week-ends but in truth I never really disconnect from Debian. It happens quite often that I say to my wife I'll come in a few minutes, let me finish this and then I end up responding to a Debian mail, or an IRC query and take 30 minutes instead of the 5 expected ones. I try hard to avoid this but it's difficult. Luckily for me, my wife is very supportive of my Debian involvement and knows me well... By the way my wife is using Debian on her computer, and my son has already played with DoudouLinux (a Debian derivative!). Have you already been accused of self-promotion in your writings? If that would ever happen, what would you answer to that? Yes, more than once. I am proud of what I do for Debian, I enjoy sharing the result of my work. Because of this, some people believe that I'm selfish and egocentric. And this has somewhat increased since I have been soliciting donations: for me it's important to be transparent towards donators so that they see what I really do for Debian. But some people have the feeling that I'm getting undeserved attention and that I bring everything towards my own person. On the other side, as an author, I'm a public figure who is definitely seeking some attention... I don't have any miraculous answer, we are a large and diverse community, it's next to impossible to please everybody. I listen to all the concerns that people bring forward, I take them into account as much as possible, in particular when I believe they are reasonable/well justified, or when they come from people that I highly respect. But sometimes I have to plainly ignore them too... in particular when they are trying to impose their own political view on a topic that's not directly related to the only value that we all share: the social contract. Contributing to Debian is a challenge, we all have to make efforts to put aside our differences and to concentrate on the work that brings us closer to the best free software operating system ever built. You recently launched a campaign to free out the soon-to-be-published "Debian Administrator Handbook", an English version of your well-known book about Debian in French. Can you tell us more about this project? My French book has been very successful at helping people to get started with Debian, and like I already explained, it was also effective to fund a part of my Debian work. So I wanted to make it available world-wide by publishing an English translation of it. I tried to find an English-speaking editor willing to take on the challenge but I found none interested. Not put off by a setback, Roland (my co-author) and I decided to negotiate with our French editor Eyrolles to recuperate the necessary rights to translate the book into English. Handling everything ourselves represents a lot of work, but it also means that we have the freedom required to decide of the license of the resulting book. We would love to see it under a license compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines. But at the same time we firmly believe that we deserve a reasonable monetary compensation for the work on the book, so we conditioned its liberation to a predefined amount of money (25 K ) in what we call the "liberation fund". And since we wanted to be sure that we would have the required means to complete the translation, we used a crowfunding platform to seek support of people interested by the book. With such a platform you're only debited if the minimal requested amount is reached. Anyone can participate, pre-order the book and/or put some money in the liberation fund. As of today, we already reached the minimal funding goal (15 K ) so the book translation will happen. But the liberation target has not yet been reached so we don't know yet if the book will be free from the start... you can follow the progress right on the fundraising page or on the website dedicated to the book. PS: If you want to contribute to this project and also make a donation to Debian at the same time, you should check out this page. You're one of the main developers of dpkg, a critical tool for Debian systems. Can you tell us more about the current development challenges it is facing? What will be the new dpkg features for wheezy? The current challenges are not really technical. dpkg is a relatively mature piece of software and it will continue to work for the foreseeable future without needing much maintenance work. The real challenge is trying to setup a healthy developement community around it so that we can keep tackling new interesting problems (there are many listed in the roadmap and in the 225 wishlist bugs). There is a real problem of leadership and communication in the current team. We used to be three, and we're only two nowadays. Guillem is the legitimate leader since he's involved in dpkg's developement since early 2006 while I joined only in late 2007. But in the last 4 years, we did not manage to recruit anyone else on the team. Some persons tried to contribute significant new features (like Sean Finney with a rework of the way we handle configuration files) but they gave up frustrated after a while because we did not manage to review their work (and discuss the design) in any reasonable timeframe. Another famous case is Ian Jackson with his trigger work. His work got merged, but so late that in the mean time he blew up while trying to hijack the maintenance of dpkg. For a long time I was concentrating my work on the Perl part of dpkg (aka dpkg-dev mainly), so I did not feel qualified to review and merge work related to the C part and I was just a worried observator of this situation. I tried to improve it by setting up some basic review infrastructure, it should have brought some lisibility to the status of each change left to be reviewed... but it has not been used and it changed nothing. Over the years, I became much more interested in the C part. My first big contribution in C has been the rewrite of update-alternatives (from Perl to C). I made other small changes in between, but at the start of this year I had this great opportunity to work on the multiarch implementation (FYI, multiarch is the possibility to mix packages from several architectures on a single system). This really forced me to jump into the C codebase and learn a lot about how dpkg is implemented. Thanks to this I have been able to tackle other small projects (like the improved triggers). This would be all great if my multiarch work was already merged, but it's not. It's a large work, I do not mind waiting a bit in particular since Guillem is a highly skilled C programmer. His sharp analysis of new designs are invaluable, when he reviews code he always finds something to improve. I learnt a lot just by reviewing the code he wrote over the years. That said I have been waiting since April without almost no updates from him. With the release team asking us to hurry up, the situation is getting somewhat strained as I really want to see multiarch in Wheezy and I do not really want to short-circuit Guillem. Hum, I may have drifted a bit from your original question... what great new features can people expect? Well multiarch is supposed to be the big new feature, apart from that there aren't many things that matter to the end users. But there are already quite a few changes that are of interest to package maintainers (like hardened build flags, source package improvements, improved triggers, ). What's the biggest problem of Debian? Manicheism and a tendency to quickly polarize the discussions. In reality, there are very few situations where everything is all good or all bad. Ever since I have read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People I try hard to put into practice the habits of interdependence . Instead of having only my point of view in mind, I try to understand the motivations from the other party ( Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood ) in order to be able to put forward solutions acceptable to both parties ( Think Win-Win ). I highly recommend this book to anyone. And I invite everybody to at least try to follow those simple advices. Is there someone in Debian you admire for their contributions? There are many and I can't give an exhaustive list... here are some that I would like to highlight (in no particular order): Most of those people are working on improving Debian's infrastructure so that we can all be more effective and do an even better work. This kind of work is not always very visible but it's crucial to Debian's future. Thank you to Rapha l for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. And, anyway, it was fun to just play the game "the other way".

1 November 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian activities in October 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (130.30 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg work The month started with fixing newly reported bugs to prepare the release: With the help of Guillem, we decided on a proper fix for a race condition sometimes triggered by parallel builds when 2 concurrent dpkg-gencontrol try to update debian/files (see #642608). This ended up requiring a new package (libfile-fcntllock-perl) that the Debian perl team kindly packaged for us. With all this sorted, it was a rather easy fix. Multiarch progress I also spent lots of time on multiarch. I fixed an old bug that requested to support the multi-arch paths in case of cross-building (see #595144), the discussion was not really conclusive on which of the two proposed patches was better so I ended up picking my own patch because it was closer to how we currently deal with cross-building. Then I fixed 2 issues that have been reported on Ubuntu s dpkg. The first one (LP #863675) was rather severe since an installed package ended being disappeared in favor of its foreign counterpart that was removed (but that had some config files left). The second one (LP #853679) only affected dselect users (apparently there are still some!) who had a self-conflicting library (Provides: foo, Conflicts: foo) installed for multiple architectures. But the bulk of the time spent on multiarch has been spent discussing with various parties on how to go forward with multiarch. The release team commented on the schedule of the merge to ensure it makes it into Wheezy, and the Debian project leader also commented on the problems encountered so far. While not the best course of action I could have hoped for, it certainly helped since Guillem started pushing some reviewed commits. Out of the 66 commits that were in my pu/multiarch/full branch one week ago, 20 have been merged in the master branch already. Python-django security update and RC bug Since python-django s maintainer did not manage to prepare the required security updates, I stepped in and prepared version 1.2.3-3+squeeze2 for Squeeze and 1.0.2-1+lenny3 for Lenny. Unfortunately this security update is an example of how an inactive maintainer is likely to result in a severe delay for the release of security updates. Furthermore in this specific case, the security team did not want to release the Squeeze security update until the Lenny one had been investigated (which required some time since upstream no longer supports the version in Lenny) but they did not make this very clear. Later another release critical bug had been filed against the package (#646634) but after investigation, it turned out to be a local configuration problem so I downgraded it. I still forwarded the test suite failure to upstream authors since the test could be enhanced. In any case, co-maintainers for python-django are welcome. I really preferred the situation where I can quietly sit down as backup maintainer :-) WordPress packaging WordPress sounds similar to python-django. I m also only a backup maintainer but Giuseppe has been inactive for many months and I had to step in August because I wanted the new upstream version. I discovered a bit late that I was not subscribed to wordpress bugs and thus the release critical bug #639733 (that I introduced with my new upstream version) went unattended for a rather long time. Once aware, though, I quickly fixed it. I also took the opportunity to start a discussion on debian-devel about how to deal with embedded javascript libraries and proposed a mechanism of opportunistic replacement with symlinks . WordPress is my testbed package for this mechanism, you can check out its debian/dh_linktree that implements the replacement logic. The discussion has not been very interesting but at least I learned that Debian now requires that each source package shipping minified javascript files includes the original files too. It s somewhat of a pain since it s not a license requirement in many cases (many of those libraries are not under the GPL), but just a Debian requirement that many upstreams are not complying with. WordPress is affected and Jakub Wilk thus opened #646729 which is going to be a long-standing RC bug. To give good measures, I spent several hours investigating the case of each javascript file in the WordPress source package and I filed a new ticket on the upstream bugtracker. Dropbox packaging work A few months after the introduction of nautilus-dropbox to Debian and Ubuntu, I can say that the decision to only support the download of dropbox in the postinst has been a mistake. Because of this decision I had to make the postinst fail if the download failed. Even if the error message is relatively clear, this lead to many (mostly automated) bug reports on the Ubuntu side. Various other problems cropped up on top of this (trying to start dropbox while the package was not configured would result in an error because the user did not have the required rights to install the software, reinstalling the package while dropbox was running would result in a failure too, etc.). I have fixed all those issues in the version 0.7.0-2 of the package. Now if the user has to install dropbox, it will use PolicyKit to request the root rights. The postinst will no longer fail if the dropbox download fails since it can be run later by the user. And I fixed the download code to remove the replaced file before unpacking a new file (insead of overwriting the existing file). All this work has been forwarded upstream. The Debian Administrator s Handbook Update I m glad to tell you that the translation will happen because we reached the minimal funding goal on October 22th with the help of 380 supporters. Now the fundraising continues, but this time the goal is the liberation of the resulting book. For this to happen, we need to reach 25000 EUR in the liberation fund. So far we re at 37% of this goal with 9400 EUR in the liberation fund (which means that 59% of the money raised has been put in the liberation fund).

Click here if you want to contribute towards the liberation of this book. With (less than) 27 days left, it s going to be a challenge to meet the goal, but we do like challenges, don t we? Misc work

Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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7 October 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian activities in September 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (144.3 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg work While taking care of the last details for the hardening feature in dpkg 1.16.1, I have mailed debian-devel to find volunteers to handle a hardening release goal. The objective is to ensure a large number of packages have been converted/rebuilt to actually use the new hardening build flags. Then I prepared the draft of the announce of the dpkg 1.16.1 upload (aka Bits of dpkg maintainers sent to debian-devel-announce) which got expanded by Guillem to also cover new features since dpkg 1.15.7. update-alternatives got some refactoring by Guillem which resulted in a regression that has been fortunately discovered by Sven Joachim. I fixed that regression and did some further cleanup inspired by the root cause of this regression (see top 4 commits here). Note that Sven is one of the few persons who are running the git version of dpkg. Hopefully the number of tester will increase since I recently documented the APT repositories with autobuilt versions of dpkg in the wiki. At the end of the month, I started working on a bugfix release (what s going to be by fixing some of the unavoidable problems discovered after an upload that accumulated more than 4 months worth of work (see top 4 commits here). The Debian Administrator s Handbook I spent countless hours finalizing the launch of the crowdfunding campaign for the Debian Administrator s Handbook and it went live on September 27th. So far it s on good track with more than 63% of the base funding already secured. But we still have a long way to go to reach the liberation goal (we re at 21%). It s still worth nothing that more than 55% of the money raised has been put in the liberation fund so there are many persons who care about getting the book freed. More than 250 persons are supporting the project currently with an average contribution of 38 EUR. I would have expected much less for the average contribution but many more supporters. I still hope we can get more people on board with the perspective of a good DFSG-free Debian ebook. Did you order your copy? If not, click here and fix this! ;-) By the way Paypal used to be required but it s no longer the case, you can support the project just with your usual credit card. Misc blog updates Over time, I have written many useful articles for Debian users and Debian contributors. But scattered in the history, they are somewhat difficult to find. To fix this I have created some index pages listing them. Check them out: Two new articles joined those pages this month: How to triage bugs in the Debian Bug Tracking System and Understand dpkg and don t get stuck with a maintainer script failure. While writing the first article, I noticed we lacked a good page showing the most buggy packages so I quickly created it (with the help of UDD): Misc packaging work I did a small update to the developer s reference. Luca Falavigna submitted a patch to clarify how one is supposed to deal with meta-packages (cf #569219), I improved it and integrated the result in the SVN repository. I upgraded nautilus-dropbox to version 0.6.9 and while doing this I discovered a bug in mergechanges (filed as #640782). I uploaded a new release of quilt mainly to add the Multi-Arch: foreign field so that it can satisfy dependencies of foreign packages (i.e. packages of a different architecture). Django released some security advisories (tracked in #641405) and since the maintainer did not deal with the issue, I stepped up to the task (I m a backup maintainer) and released the fixed version 1.3.1 to unstable. I took the opportunity to switch from python-support to dh_python2, and do some misc improvements to the packaging (see changelog). I wanted to update publican to a newer version but it turned out to be not possible because Debian doesn t have the latest version of docbook-xsl yet. I also discovered some bugs in the test suite and forwarded upstream the patch I created (see upstream bug). On top of this, fop was failing due to some java problem related to the introduction of multiarch. After having reported the bug, the java maintainers quickly released a fixed version. So now publican is ready in the git repository but it s waiting on the docbook-xsl update. I got in touch with the maintainer who said he would have the time to take care of it by mid-october. Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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4 August 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian activities in July 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (170 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. This month passed by very quickly since I attended both the Libre Software Meeting / RMLL and the DebConf. Libre Software Meeting / RMLL I attended only 3 days out of the 6 but that was a deliberate choice since I was also attending DebConf for a full week later in the month. During those 3 days I helped with the Debian booth that was already well taken care of by Fr d ric Perrenot and Arnaud Gambonnet. Unfortunately we did not have any goodies to sell. We (as in Debian France) should do better in this regard next time. One of the talks I attended presented EnVenteLibre. This website started as an online shop for two French associations (Ubuntu-fr, Framasoft). They externalize all the logistic to a company and only have to care about ordering goodies and delivering to the warehouse of the logistic company. They can also take some goodies from the warehouse and ship them for a conference, etc. We discussed a bit to see how Debian France could join, they are even ready to study what can be done to operate at the international level (that would be interesting for Debian with all the local associations that we have throughout the world). Back to the LSM, while I had 3 good days in Strasbourg, it seems to mee that the event is slowly fading out it s far from being an international event and the number of talks doesn t make for a better quality. BTW, do you remember that Debconf 0 and Debconf 1 were associated to this event while it was in Bordeaux? dpkg-source improvements During my time in Strasbourg (and in particular the travel to go there and back!) I implemented some changes to 3.0 (quilt) source format. It will now fail to build the source package if there are upstream changes that are not properly recorded in a quilt patch:
dpkg-source: info: local changes detected, the modified files are:
dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit
dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/2ping_1.1-1.diff.cki8YB
As the error message hints, there s a new --commit command supported by dpkg-source that will generate the required quilt patch to fix this. In the processe you will have to submit a name and edit the patch header (pre-formatted with DEP3 compatible fields). You can get back the old behavior with the --auto-commit option. Build flags changes Ever since we adopted the Ubuntu changes to let dpkg-buildpackage set some build related environment variables (see #465282), many Debian people expressed their concerns with this approach both because it broke some packages and because those variables are not set if you execute debian/rules directly. In the end, the change was not quickly reverted and we fixed the package that this change broke. Despite this we later decided that the correct approach to inject build flags would be a new interface: dpkg-buildflags. Before changing dpkg-buildpackage to no longer set the compilation flags, I wanted to ensure dpkg-buildflags had some decent coverage in the archive (to avoid breaking too many packages again). My criteria was that CDBS and dh (of debhelper) should be using it. With the recent debhelper change (see #544844) this has been reached so I changed dpkg-buildpackage accordingly. Makefile snippets provided by dpkg At the same time, I also wanted an easy way for maintainers not using dh or CDBS to be able to fix their package easily and go back to injecting the compilation flags in the environment but doing it from the rules files. Starting with the next version of dpkg, this will be possible with something like this:
include /usr/share/dpkg/
Without DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS the variables are not exported in the environment and have no effect unless you use them somewhere. More than build flags, this will also provide a bunch of other variables that can be useful in a rules files: all the variables provided by dpkg-architecture, vendor related variables/macro and some basic package information (mainly version related). dpkg-buildflags improvements Given the renewed importance that dpkg-buildflags will take now that dpkg-buildpackage no longer sets the corresponding environment variables, I thought that I could give it some love by fixing all the open issues and implementing some suggestions I got. I also had a chat with a few members of the technical committee to discuss how hardening build flags could be enabled in Debian and this also resulted in a few ideas of improvements. In the end, here are the main changes implemented: Will all those changes, the complete set of compilation flags can be returned by dpkg-buildflags (before it would only return the default flags and it was expected that the Debian packaging would add whatever else is required afterwards). Now the maintainer just has to use the new environment variables to ensure the returned values correspond to what the package needs. DebConf: rolling and hardening build flags I spent a full week in DebConf (from Sunday 24th to Sunday 31th) and as usual, it s been a pleasure to meet again all my Debian friends. It s always difficult to find a good balance between attending talks, working in the hacklab and socializing but I m pretty happy with the result. I did not have any goal when I arrived, except managing the Rolling Bof (slides and video here) but all the discussions during talks always lead to a growing TODO list. This year was no exception. The technical committee BoF resulted in some discussions of some of the pending issues, in particular one that interests me: how to enable hardening build flags in Debian (see #552688). We scheduled another discussion on the topic for Tuesday and the outcome is that dpkg-buildflags is the proper interface to inject hardening build flags provided that it offers a mean to drop unwanted flags and a practical way to inject them in the ./configure command line. Given this I got to work and implemented those new features and worked with Kees Cook to prepare a patch that enables the hardening build flags by default. It s not ready to be merged but it s working already (see my last update in the bug log). A few words about the Rolling BoF too. The room was pretty crowded: as usual the topic generates lots of interest. My goal with the BoF was very limited, I wanted to weigh the importance of the various opinions expressed in the last gigantic discussion on debian-devel. It turns out a vast majority of attendants believe that testing is already usable. But when you ask them if we must advertise it more, answers are relatively mixed. When asked if we can sustain lots of testing/rolling users, few people feel qualified to reply but those that do tend to say yes. More dpkg work Lots of small things done: Package Tracking System and DEHS Christoph Berg recently wrote a replacement for DEHS because the latter was not really reliable and not under control of the QA team. This is a centralized system that uses the watch files to detect new upstream versions of the software available in Debian. I updated the Package Tracking System to use this new tool instead of DEHS. The new thing works well but we re still lacking the mail notifications that DEHS used to send out. If someone wants to contribute it, that would be great! Misc packaging work I did some preliminary work to update the WordPress package to the latest upstream version (3.2). I still have to test the resulting package, replacing upstream shipped copies of javascript/PHP libraries is always a risk and unfortunately all of them had some changes in the integration process. I also updated nautilus-dropbox to version 0.6.8 released upstream. I also uploaded the previous version (that was in testing at that time) to squeeze-backports. So there s now an official package in all the Debian distributions (Squeeze, Wheezy, Sid and Experimental)! Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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3 July 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian activities in June 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (195 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dropbox for Debian This is not free software but Dropbox is very popular and they did only provide an Ubuntu package that did not work on Debian. So I created an official package. I have been in touch with Dropbox developers and they have been very helpful. They ll shortly release a signature mechanism (with GPG) so that we can further improve the package by verifying the origin of the downloaded binaries. SAT Britney At the start of the month, I continued my work on the britney reimplementation (the software that creates testing out of unstable) but I quickly stalled it because the release managers asked the feedback of Stefano Zacchiroli and Ralf Treinen (who have extensive knowledge on the topic with their research work on Mancoosi) and I did not want to invest further work in case they would identify a major flow the feedback came only very late this month and while it was somewhat negative, I still think it s worth pursuing the effort for a bit longer. Converted ftplib to multiarch While dpkg still doesn t support multiarch (no news from Guillem and no visible sign of progress :-( ), unstable got all the remaining bits allowing us to convert libraries to multiarch (see the announce). As soon as the required libc6 landed in unstable, I looked into converting the only library package that I maintain. I had no major problem but I still identified 2 issues in Lintian (filed as #630164 and quickly fixed by Niels Thykier). build-arch / build-indep support For the 42th time in the last 10 years, the idea of using build-arch/build-indep targets in the rules file has surfaced again. I had already decided some time ago that I would accept a patch implementing a new field Build-Features to enable dpkg-buildpackage to use those targets and this time Bill Allombert completed such a patch so I merged it. The technical committee also decided that it would take a final decision on this topic (see #629385). Roger Leigh provided useful input by doing an archive-wide rebuild with the various solutions suggested. Given that the majority would like to make the target mandatory at some point in the future, I provided the dpkg patch for my preferred solution. We would use auto-detection as a temporary measure until all packages have been converted to have the targets. The technical committee has not yet taken any decision even though the discussion stalled since the 12th of June. But that s usual with that body. I m sure it will be solved during Debconf. ;-) Misc dpkg work Hamster applet update Hamster-applet is a GNOME application which did not have a 3.0 release, but it had a development release (2.91.x). I checked out whether it was possible to package this version for experimental and have the applet work with the GNOME fallback mode. Apparently not, the code was not yet updated to be compatible with the newer panel. Instead I uploaded the latest stable version (2.32.1) to unstable. It has some nice improvements in the standalone version (and the name of the executable changed). For usage with GNOME 3, I have created a custom shortcut to start it quickly (with gconf-editor set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_1 to <Mod4>t and /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 to hamster-time-tracker because the GNOME 3 control panel does not seem to work to set custom keybindings currently). Translated my professional website into English While I m grateful for all the people who are supporting my work, I m still far from my goal to have one third of my time funded through donations and sales of products on this blog. So I decided to also bring more visibility to my company and in particular to its Debian-related service offering. It was only available in French up to now so I translated it and expanded it a bit. My support page on this blog now also links to my company s website. If your company needs help to create Debian packages, or needs Debian technical support by email, you just found the right partner. :-) BTW, I have discounted prices for individuals and non-profits who would like to benefit from my help to create Debian packages. The Debian Administrator s Handbook This is the title of the upcoming translation of my book. The project now has a dedicated website: You can subscribe to its RSS feed to keep up with the latest news. The full table of contents is online along with a FAQ. I m actively looking for partners to help me promote the fundraising once it goes live. If you can reach a large set of readers interested by a good Debian book, get in touch with me to join the affiliate program. Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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3 May 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian activities in April 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who support my work, then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. GNOME 3 packaging Right after the GNOME 3 release, I was eager to try it out so I helped the pkg-gnome team to update some of the packages. I did some uploads of totem, totem-pl-parser, gvfs, mutter, gnome-shell, gnome-screensaver. I also kept people informed via my blog and prepared a pinning file for adventurous users who wanted to try it out from experimental (like me). One month later, I m still using GNOME 3. There are rough edges still, but not so many. And I m starting to get used to it. Debian Rolling planning Debian Rolling is a project on my TODO list for quite some time. I decided it was time to do something about it and started a series of articles to help clarify my ideas while getting some early feedback. My goal was to prepare a somewhat polished proposal before posting it to a Debian mailing list. But as usual with Murphy s law, my plan did not work out as expected. Almost immediately after my first post the discussion started on debian-devel:
At this point it s a discussion thread of several hundreds of messages (there are several screens of messages like the one above). Many of the sub-threads have been interesting, but the general discussions mixed too many different things so that there s no clear outcome yet. Lucas Nussbaum tried to make a summary. Obviously I must adjust my plan, there s lots of feedback to process. I accepted to drive a DEP together with Sean Finney to help structure the part of the discussion that focuses on allowing development to continue during freezes. But I m also eager to fix the marketing problem of testing and have the project recognize that testing is a product in itself and that end-users should be encouraged to use it. Package Tracking System maintenance The Package Tracking System is an important tool for Debian developers, and it has been broken by some change on the Bug Tracking System. I worked around it quite quickly so that few people noticed the problem but Cron kept reminding me that I had to properly fix it. I ended up doing it last week-end. While working on the PTS, I took the opportunity to merge a patch from Jan Dittberner to enhance the news RSS feed that the PTS provides. And I also integrated information from (thanks to Mehdi Dogguy for reminding me #549115). Multiarch update Not much new this month. I fixed two bugs in the multiarch dpkg branch thanks to bug reports from Ubuntu users (LP 767634, LP 756381). I m still waiting on Guillem Jover finishing his review of the multiarch branch. I m pinging him from time to time but it looks like multi-arch is no longer in his short term priority list. :-( I ve been running this code for more than 2 months and it works fine. I want to see it merged. I m ready to update my code should anything need to be changed to please Guillem. But without any feedback we re in a deadlock. Misc dpkg work While fixing a bug in update-alternatives (found in one of the valid reports on launchpad), I noticed that there was room for improvements in the error messages output by update-alternatives. I changed them to reuse the same strings that were already used in other parts of dpkg. The result is that there are a few strings less to translate (always a nice thing for the poor translators who have to deal with the thousands of strings that dpkg contains). I also tried to fix some of the most cryptic error messages in dpkg (see #621763) but that work is stalled at the request of Guillem. Book update We (me and Roland Mas) are almost done with the update of our French book for Debian Squeeze. It will hit the shelves in July or September. I m starting to prepare the fundraising campaign to make an English translation of it. We ll use for this. On my blog I have been pleased to interview Meike Reichle, it s the first women that I have interviewed in the series but it s certainly not the last one. I also interviewed Adam D. Barratt, one of our tireless release managers. Thanks Many thanks to the people who gave me 180.35 in March and 235.37 in April. That represents 1.5 and 2 days of work for those months. See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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3 April 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: March 2011 wrap up

Since I m soliciting donations to support my Debian work, the least I can do is explain what I do. You can thus expect to see an article like this one every month. Multi-Arch work I updated the code to use another layout for the control files stored in /var/lib/dpkg/info/. Instead of using a sub-directory per architecture (arch/package.type), we decided to use package:arch.type but only for packages which are Multi-Arch: same. dpkg is taking care to rename the files the first time it is executed with write rights and then updates /var/lib/dpkg/info/format to remember that the upgrade has been done and that we can rely on the new structure. I filed a few bugs on packages that are improperly accessing those internal files instead of using the appropriate dpkg-query interface. I sent a heads-up mail on -devel to make other people aware of those problems in the hope to discover most of them as early as possible. After that, the work stalled because Guillem went away for 2 weeks and thus stopped his review of my work. I hope he will quickly resume the review and that we will get something final this month. With the arrival of dpkg 1.16.0, it s now possible to start converting libraries to multi-arch even if full multi-arch support has not yet landed in dpkg proper. See for the detailed plan. If you re curious about Multi-Arch, you might want to read this article of Steve Langasek as well. Bug triage for dpkg in launchpad At the start of the month, there was close to 500 bugs reported against the dpkg package in Launchpad. Unfortunately most of it is noise many of the reported bugs are misfiled, they show an upgrade problem of a random package and that upgrade problem confuses update-manager which tries to configure an already configured package. This generates a second error that apport attributes to dpkg and the resulting bug report is thus filed on dpkg. There are literally hundreds of those that have to be reclassified. Michael Vogt and Brian Murray did some triaging, and I also spend quite some hours on this task. It s a bit frustrating as I tend to mark many reports Incomplete because there s no way they can be acted upon and many of them are so old that the reporter is unlikely to be able to provide supplementary information. But in the middle of this noise, there are some useful bug reports, like LP#739179 which enabled me to fix a regression even before it reached Debian Unstable (because Ubuntu runs a snapshot of dpkg with multiarch support). I subscribed to the Launchpad bugs for dpkg via the Debian Package Tracking System (thanks to the derivatives-bugs keyword) and will try to keep up with the incoming reports. Misc dpkg work The ftpmasters came up with a request for a new field (see 619131) in source packages. After a quick discussion and a round of review on debian-policy@l.d.o, I implemented the new Package-List field. This should allow the ftpmasters to save some time in NEW processing, but we deferred the change for the next dpkg version (1.16.1) to ponder a bit more on the design of the field. I also fixed a bunch of bugs (#619541, #605719, #598922, #616096) and merged a patch of Mark Hymers to recognize the new Built-Using field. Developers-reference work The review process for changes to the developers-reference is not working as it should. And I suffered from it while trying to integrate the patch I wrote for the Developer duties chapter (see #548867). We purposely changed the maintainer field from debian-doc to debian-policy in the hope to have more reviews of suggested changes and to seek some sort of consensus before committing anything. But we don t get more reviews and deciding to commit a patch is now even harder than it was (except for trivial stuff where personal opinions can t interfere). In my case, I only got the feedback of Charles Plessy which was very mixed to say the least. I tried to improve my patch based on what he expressed but I also clearly disagreed with some of his assertions and was convinced that my wording was in line with the dominant point of view within Debian. We tried to involve the release team in the discussion because most of what I documented was about helping making stable release happen, but nobody of the team answered. Instead of letting the situation (and my patch) rot, I solicited feedback from the DPL and from another developers-reference editor to see whether my patch was an improvement or not. After some more time, I went ahead and committed it. It was not pleasant for anyone. I don t know how we can improve this. Contrary to the policy, the developers-reference is a document that is not normative, I believe the result is better when we put some soul into it. But it s a real challenge when you seek a consensus and that the interest in reviewing changes is so low. DVD shop listed on In February, I launched a DVD shop whose benefits are used to fund my Debian work. Shortly after the launch I used the official form to be added to the official listing of Debian CD vendors and offered a few suggestions to deal with vendors who are selling unofficial images (with firmware in my case). A few weeks later, I got no answers: neither for my request nor for my suggestions, I mailed the team directly asking for a status update and quickly got an answer suggesting that Simon Paillard usually does the work and can t process the backlog due to some injury. At this point no concerns had been raised about adding me to the list. To save some time and some work for the team, I added myself to the list since I had commit rights and I informed them that I did it, so that they can review it. Shortly after I did that, Martin Zobel Helas objected to my addition. I cleared some misunderstandings but the discussion also lead to some changes to please everybody: the listing now indicates that some images are unofficial and I have prepared a special landing page for people coming from the Debian website through this listing. Debian column on OMG! Ubuntu I have always been a firm believer that it s important for Debian to reach out to the widest public with its message of freedom. Thus when Benjamin Humphrey contacted the debian-publicity team to find volunteers to write a Debian column on OMG! Ubuntu, I immediately jumped in. I wrote 4 articles over there. The tone is very different from my articles on my blog and I like that duality. Check out Debian is dying! Oh my word!, Debian or Ubuntu, which is the best place to contribute?, Are you contributing your share? and Ubuntu s CTO reveals DEX: an effort to close the gap with Debian. It s a great win-win situation, OMG! Ubuntu benefits from my articles, Debian s values are relayed further, and OMG! Ubuntu s large audience also helps me develop my own blog. Work on my book I had lots of paperwork to do this month (annual accounting stuff for my company) and I did not have as much time as I hoped for my book. Still I have a updated a few more chapters of my French book and I certainly hope to complete the update during April. This means that the work on the English translation could start in may. Work on my blog Just like for my book, it has been relatively difficult for me to cope with my policy of two articles every week. But I still managed to get quite some good stuff out. I interviewed Christian Perrier (Debian s translation coordinator) and also Bdale Garbee (chair of Debian s technical committee). I finished my series of Debian Cleanup Tips with 2 supplementary articles: The removal of firmware is causing troubles to quite some users so I wrote an article explaining how to deal with the problem. A regular reader also asked me to write an article about Jigdo, I executed myself because it was a good idea and that he has been very nice with me: Download ISO images of Debian CD/DVD at light speed with Jigdo. Last but not least, I shared my package maintainer pledge which inspired my developers-reference patch (see discussion above). Thanks Many thanks to all the people who showed their appreciation of my work. The 324.37 EUR that you gave me in February represented 2 days and a half of my time that I have spent working on the above projects. See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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29 March 2011

Steve Langasek: Multiarch Monomania

So the other day, I was able to do this in an Ubuntu natty amd64 chroot for the first time.
# cat > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/multiarch-me
APT::Architectures   "amd64"; "i386";  ;
# cat >> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg
foreign-architecture i386
# apt-get update
# apt-get install flashplugin-installer:i386
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  flashplugin-installer:i386 flashplugin-nonfree:i386 gcc-4.5-base:i386
  libatk1.0-0:i386 libavahi-client3:i386 libavahi-common-data:i386
  libavahi-common3:i386 libc6:i386 libcairo2:i386 libcomerr2:i386
  libcups2:i386 libdatrie1:i386 libdbus-1-3:i386 libdrm2:i386
  libegl1-mesa:i386 libexpat1:i386 libfontconfig1:i386 libfreetype6:i386
  libgcc1:i386 libgcrypt11:i386 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
  libglib2.0-0:i386 libgnutls26:i386 libgpg-error0:i386 libgssapi-krb5-2:i386
  libgtk2.0-0:i386 libgtk2.0-common libice6:i386 libjasper1:i386
  libjpeg62:i386 libk5crypto3:i386 libkeyutils1:i386 libkrb5-3:i386
  libkrb5support0:i386 libnspr4:i386 libnspr4-0d:i386 libnss3:i386
  libnss3-1d:i386 libpango1.0-0:i386 libpcre3:i386 libpixman-1-0:i386
  libpng12-0:i386 libselinux1:i386 libsm6:i386 libsqlite3-0:i386
  libstdc++6:i386 libtasn1-3:i386 libthai-data libthai0:i386 libtiff4:i386
  libudev0:i386 libuuid1:i386 libx11-6:i386 libx11-data libx11-xcb1:i386
  libxau6:i386 libxcb-dri2-0:i386 libxcb-render0:i386 libxcb-shape0:i386
  libxcb-shm0:i386 libxcb-xfixes0:i386 libxcb1:i386 libxcomposite1:i386
  libxcursor1:i386 libxdamage1:i386 libxdmcp6:i386 libxext6:i386
  libxfixes3:i386 libxft2:i386 libxi6:i386 libxinerama1:i386 libxrandr2:i386
  libxrender1:i386 libxt6:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 x11-common zlib1g:i386
0 upgraded, 78 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
Need to get 15.1 MB/15.6 MB of archives.
After this operation, 48.9 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
It is a truly heady experience, after so many years of talking about the need to properly support multiarch in Debian and Ubuntu, to see support for cross-installation of packages come to fruition. If you've talked to me any time in the past couple of weeks and noticed it's a little hard to get me to change the subject, well, that's why. Many who have grown accustomed to Debian and Ubuntu's lack of support for installing i386 packages on amd64 (or vice versa) may wonder what the fuss is about. (Whereas others who are well versed in distributions such as Red Hat and SuSE may laugh and wonder what took us so long...) So maybe a few words of explanation are in order. If you've ever installed ia32-libs on an amd64 machine anywhere; if you've ever noticed a bug where ia32-libs didn't work right because of wrong system paths, or had to file a request for another library to be added to ia32-libs because it wasn't included in the set of libraries Debian decided to package up in this grotesque, all-in-one 32-bit compatibility bundle; if you've ever decided not to install a 64-bit OS on your perfectly 64-bit-capable hardware because of concern that you wouldn't be able to run $random32-bitonly_application; multiarch is for you. If you've gotten stuck maintaining a lib32foo "biarch" package in Debian due to popular demand, multiarch is definitely for you. :) If you've ever cross-compiled software for a different Debian architecture than the one you were running, multiarch is for you. If you've ever wanted to run binaries for a different architecture under emulation, and found it awkward to set up the library dependencies, multiarch is for you, too. Because although the .deb world may be a little late to the party, we're also naturally taking things much further than anyone's done with rpm. Multiarch won't just give you the ability to install 32-bit libs on 64-bit systems; it'll give you the ability to install libs for any known architecture on any system. And a whole lot of pain just falls out of the equation in the process. A cross-compiling environment looks the same as a native-compiling environment. An emulated system looks the same as a native system. We can start to seriously consider cross-grading systems from one architecture to another. And all this is happening now. The groundwork is there in Ubuntu natty. Wheezy will be the release that brings multiarch to Debian. When dpkg 1.16.0 is uploaded to unstable real soon now, the bootstrapping will begin. I am immensely grateful to everyone who's helped make multiarch a reality - to Tollef, Matt and others for seeding the vision; Aurelien, Matthias and Arthur for their work to ready the toolchain; David and Michael for the apt implementation; Guillem and Raphael for the dpkg implementation, and Linaro's support to help make this possible; and the many other developers who've helped to refine this design over the years in numerous other BoFs, sessions and mailing list threads. I'm excited to find out what the Debian community will do with multiarch now that it's upon us. Christian, maybe you should start a pool for how long it will take before all the libraries shipped in ia32-libs have been converted to multiarch and we can drop ia32-libs from the archive?

3 March 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: People behind Debian: Christian Perrier, translation coordinator

Christian is a figure of Debian, not only because of the tremendous coordination work that he does within the translation project, but also because he s very involved at the social level. He s probably in the top 5 of the persons who attended most often the Debian conference. Christian is a friend (thanks for hosting me so many times when I come to Paris for Debian related events) and I m glad that he accepted to be interviewed. He likes to speak and that shows in the length of his answers :-) but you ll be traveling the world while reading him. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Christian. Who are you? I am a French citizen (which is easy to guess unless you correct my usual mistakes in what follows). I m immensely proud of being married for nearly 26 years with Elizabeth (who deserves a statue from Debian for being so patient with my passion and my dedication to the project). I m also the proud father of 3 wonderful kids , aged 19 to 23. I work as team manager in the Networks and Computers Division of Onera the French Aerospace lab , a public research institute about Aeronautics, Space and Defense. My team provides computer management services for research divisions of Onera, with a specific focus put on individual computing. I entered the world of free software as one of the very first users of Linux in France. Back in the early 1990 s, I happened (though the BBS users communities) to be a friend of several early adopters of Linux and/or BSD386/FreeBSD/NetBSD in France. More specifically, I discovered Linux thanks with my friend Ren Cougnenc (all my free software talks are dedicated to Ren , who passed away in 1996). You re not a programmer, not even a packager. How did you come to Debian? I m definitely not a programmer and I never studied computing (I graduated in Materials Science and worked in that area for a few years after my PhD). However, my daily work always involved computing (I redesigned the creep testing laboratory and its acquisition system all by myself during my thesis research work). An my hobbies often involved playing with home computers, always trying to learn about something new. So, first learning about a new operating system then trying to figure out how to become involved in its development was quite a logical choice. Debian is my distro of choice since it exists. I used Slackware on work machines for a while, but my home server, kheops, first ran Debian 1.1 when I stopped running a BBS on an MS-DOS machine to host a news server. That was back in October 1996. I then happened to be a user, and more specifically a user of genealogy software, also participating very actively in Usenet from this home computer and server, that was running this Debian thing. So, progressively, I joined mailing lists and, being a passionate person, I tried to figure out how I could bring my own little contribution to all this. This is why I became a packager (yes, I am one!) by taking over the geneweb package, which I was using to publish my genealogy research. I applied as DD in January 2001, then got my account in July 2001. My first upload to the Debian archive occurred on August 22nd 2001: that was of course geneweb, which I still maintain. Quite quickly, I became involved in the work on French localization. I have always been a strong supporter of localized software (I even translated a few BBS software back in the early 90 s) as one of the way to bring the power and richness of free software to more users. Localization work lead me to work on the early version of Debian Installer, during those 2003-2005 years where the development of D-I was an incredibly motivating and challenging task, lead by Joey Hess and his inspiring ideas. From user to contributor to leader, I suddenly discovered, around 2004, that I became the coordinator of D-I i18n (internationalization) without even noticing :-) You re the main translation coordinator in Debian. What plans and goals have you set for Debian Wheezy? As always: paint the world in red. Indeed, this is my goal for years. I would like our favorite distro to be able to be used by anyone in the world, whether she speaks English, Northern Sami, Wolof, Uyghur or Secwepemcts n. As a matter of symbol, I use the installer for this. My stance is that one should be able to even install Debian in one s own language. So, for about 7 years, I use D-I as a way to attract new localization contributors. This progress is represented on this page where the world is gradually painted in red as long as the installer supports more languages release after release. The map above tries to illustrate this by painting in red countries when the most spoken language in the country is supported in Debian Installer. However, that map does not give enough reward to many great efforts made to support very different kind of languages. Not only various national languages, but also very different ones: all regional languages of Spain, many of the most spoken languages in India, minority languages such as Uyghur for which an effort is starting, Northern Sami because it is taught in a few schools in Norway, etc., etc. Still, the map gives a good idea of what I would like to see better supported: languages from Africa, several languages in Central Asia. And, as a very very personal goal, I m eagerly waiting for support of Tibetan in Debian Installer, the same way we support its sister language, Dzongkha from Bhutan. For this to happen, we have to make contribution to localization as easy as possible. The very distributed nature of Debian development makes this a challenge, as material to translate (D-I components, debconf screens, native packages, packages descriptions, website, documentation) is very widely spread. A goal, for years, is to set a centralized place where translators could work easily without even knowing about SVN/GIT/BZR or having to report bugs to send their work. The point, however, would be to have this without making compromises on translation quality. So, with peer review, use of thesaurus and translation memory and all such techniques. Tools for this exist: we, for instance, worked with the developers of Pootle to help making it able to cope with the huge amount of material in Debian (think about packages descriptions translations). However, as of now, the glue between such tools and the raw material (that often lies in packages) didn t come. So, currently, translation work in Debian requires a great knowledge of how things are organized, where is the material, how it can be possible to make contribution reach packages, etc. And, as I m technically unable to fulfill the goal of building the infrastructure, I m fulfilling that role of spreading out the knowledge. This is how I can define my coordinator role. Ubuntu uses a web-based tool to make it easy to contribute translations directly in Launchpad. At some point you asked Canonical to make it free software. Launchpad has been freed in the mean time. Have you (re)considered using it? Why not? After all, it more or less fills in the needs I just described. I still don t really figure out how we could have all Debian material gathered in Rosetta/Launchpad .and also how Debian packagers could easily get localized material back from the framework without changing their development processes. I have always tried to stay neutral wrt Ubuntu. As many people now in Debian, I feel like we have reached a good way to achieve our mutual development. When it comes at localization work, the early days where the everything in Rosetta and translates who wants stanza did a lot of harm to several upstream localization projects is, I think, way over. Many people who currently contribute to D-I localization were indeed sent to me by Ubuntu contributors .and by localizing D-I, apt, debconf, package descriptions, etc., they re doing translation work for Ubuntu as well as for Debian. Let s say I m a Debian user and I want to help translate Debian in my language. I can spend 1 hour per week on this activity. What should I do to start? Several language teams use Debian mailing lists to coordinate their work. If you re lucky enough to be a speaker of one of these languages, try joining debian-l10n-<yourlanguage> and follow what s happening there. Don t try to immediately jump in some translation work. First, participate to peer reviews: comment on others translations. Learn about the team s processes, jargon and habits. Then, progressively, start working on a few translations: you may want to start with translations of debconf templates: they are short, often easy to do. That s perfect if you have few time. If no language team exists for your language, try joining debian-i18n and ask about existing effort for your language. I may be able to point you to individuals working on Debian translations (very often along with other free software translation efforts). If I am not, then you have just been named coordinator for your language :-) I may even ask you if you want to work on translating the Debian Installer. What s the biggest problem of Debian? We have no problems, we only have solutions :-) We are maybe facing a growth problem for a few years. Despite the increased welcoming aspects of our processes (Debian Maintainers), Debian is having hard times in growing. The overall number of active contributors is probably stagnating for quite a while. I m still amazed, however, to see how we can cope with that and still be able to release over the years. So, after all, this is maybe not a problem :-) Many people would point communication problems here. I don t. I think that communication inside the Debian project is working fairly well now. Our famous flame wars do of course still happen from time to time, but what large free software project doesn t have flame wars? In many areas, we indeed improved communication very significantly. I want to take as an example the way the release of squeeze has been managed. I think that the release team did, even more this time, a very significant and visible effort to communicate with the entire project. And the release of squeeze has been a great success in that matter. So, there s nearly nothing that frustrates me in Debian. Even when a random developer breaks my beloved 100% completeness of French translations, I m not frustrated for more than 2 minutes. You re known in the Debian community as the organizer of the Cheese & Wine Party during DebConf. Can you tell us what this is about? This is an interesting story about how things build themselves in Debian. It all started in July 2005, before DebConf 5 in Helsinki. Denis Barbier, Nicolas Fran ois and myself agreed to bring at Debconf a few pieces of French cheese as well as 1 or 2 bottles of French wine and share them with some friends. Thus, we settled an informal meeting in the French room where we invited some fellows: from memory, Benjamin Mako Hill, Hannah Wallach, Matt Zimmermann and Moray Allan. All of us fond of smelly cheese, great wine plus some extra p t home-made by Denis in Toulouse. It finally happened that, by word of mouth, a few dozens of other people slowly joined in that French room and turned the whole thing into an improvized party that more or less lasted for the entire night. The tradition was later firmly settled in 2006, first in Debconf 6 in Mexico where I challenged the French DDs to bring as many great cheese as possible, then during the Debian i18n meeting in Extremadura (Sept 2006) where we reached the highest amount of cheese per participant ever. I think that the Creofonte building in Casar de C ceres hasn t fully recovered from it and is still smelling cheese 5 years after. This party later became a real tradition for DebConf, growing over and over each year. I see it as a wonderful way to illustrate the diversity we have in Debian, as well as the mutual enrichment we always felt during DebConfs. My only regret about it is that it became so big over the years that organizing it is always a challenge and I more and more feel pressure to make it successful. However, over the years, I always found incredible help by DebConf participants (including my own son, last year a moment of sharing which we will both remember for years, i think). And, really, in 2010, standing up on a chair, shouting (because the microphone wasn t working) to thank everybody, was the most emotional moment I had at Debconf 10. Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? So many people. So, just like it happens in many awards ceremonies, I will be very verbose to thank people, sorry in advance for this. The name that comes first is Joey Hess. Joey is someone who has a unique way to perceive what improvements are good for Debian and a very precise and meticulous way to design these improvements. Think about debconf. It is designed for so long now and still reaching its very specific goal. So well designed that it is the entire basis for Joey s other achievement: designing D-I. Moreover, I not only admire Joey for his technical work, but also for his interaction with others. He is not he loudest person around, he doesn t have to .just giving his point in discussion and, guess what? Most of the time, he s right. Someone I would like to name here, also, is Colin Watson. Colin is also someone I worked with for years (the D-I effect, again ) and, here again, the very clever way he works on technical improvements as well as his very friendly way to interact with others just make it. And, how about you, Rapha l? :-) I m really admirative of the way you work on promoting technical work on Debian. Your natural ability to explain things (as good in English as it is in French) and your motivation to share your knowledge are a great benefit for the project. Not to mention the technical achievements you made with Guillem on dpkg of course! Another person I d like to name here is Steve Langasek. We both maintain samba packages for years and collaboration with him has always been a pleasure. Just like Colin, Steve is IMHO a model to follow when it comes at people who work for Canonical while continuing their involvment in Debian. And, indeed, Steve is so patient with my mistakes and stupid questions in samba packaging that he deserves a statue. We re now reaching the end of the year where Stefano Zacchiroli was the Debian Project Leader. And, no offense intended to people who were DPL before him (all of them being people I consider to be friends of mine), I think he did the best term ever. Zack is wonderful in sharing his enthusiasm about Debian and has a unique way to do it. Up to the very end of his term, he has always been working on various aspects of the project and my only hope is that he ll run again (however, I would very well understand that he wants to go back to his hacking activities!). Hat off, Zack!I again have several other people to name in this Bubulle hall of Fame : Don Armstrong, for his constant work on improving Debian BTS, Margarita Manterola as one of the best successes of Debian Women (and the most geeky honeymoon ever), Denis Barbier and Nicolas Fran ois because i18n need really skilled people, Cyril Brulebois and Julien Cristau who kept packaging alive in lenny and squeeze, Otavio Salvador who never gave up on D-I even when we were so few to care about it. I would like to make a special mention for Frans Pop. His loss in 2010 has been a shock for many of us, and particularly me. Frans and I had a similar history in Debian, both mostly working on so-called non technical duties. Frans has been the best release manager for D-I (no offense intended, at all, to Joey or Otavio .I know that both of them share this feeling with me). His very high involvment in his work and the very meticulous way he was doing it lead to great achievements in the installer. The Installation Guide work was also a model and indeed a great example of non technical work that requires as many skills as more classical technical work. So, and even though he was sometimes so picky and, I have to admit, annoying, that explains why I m still feeling sad and, in some way, guilty about Frans loss. One of my goals for wheezy is indeed to complete some things Frans left unachieved. I just found one in bug #564441: I will make this work reach the archive, benefit our users and I know that Frans would have liked that.
Thank you to Christian for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on, Twitter and Facebook.

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26 February 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: February 2011 wrap up

February has been again a busy month for me. Here s a quick summary of what I did: Multi-Arch work I have spent many days implementing and refining dpkg s Multi-Arch support with Guillem Jover (dpkg co-maintainer) and Steve Langasek (beta-tester of my code ;-) ). Early testers can try what s in my latest pu/multiarch/snapshot/* branch in my personal git repository. A Debian DVD shop I m always exploring new options to fund my Debian work (besides direct donations) and this month with the Debian Squeeze release I saw an opportunity in selling Debian DVD. Nobody provides DVD with included firmwares and quite a few people would like to avoid the SpaceFun theme. So I built unofficial Debian DVDs that integrate firmware and that install a system with the old theme (MoreBlue Orbit). Click here to learn more about my unofficial DVDs. On my blog In my People behind Debian series, I interviewed Mike Hommey (Iceweasel maintainer) and Maximiliam Attems (member of the kernel team). I started a Debian Cleanup Tip series and already published 4 installments: For contributors, I wrote two articles: the first gives a set of (suggested) best practices for sponsoring Debian packages and adapted my article as a patch for the Developers Reference. In the second article, I shared some personal advice for people who are considering participating on Debian mailing list: 7 mistakes to avoid when participating to Debian mailing lists.
Click here to subscribe to my free newsletter and get my monthly analysis on what s going on in Debian and Ubuntu. Or just follow along via the RSS feed,, Twitter or Facebook.

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21 February 2011

Cyril Brulebois: Debian XSF News #6

Enough news to release another Debian XSF News issue, after less than a week. Enough writing for now, I m getting new mails in xorg-announce@.

Steve Langasek: How you can help with multiarch today

Paul Wise called attention recently to the fact that there's renewed activity around multiarch in the face of the squeeze release. Although I fervently wish we could have gotten multiarch support into squeeze, it's better late than never; and real progress is being made now, thanks mostly to the efforts of wonderful package management experts like Raphael Hertzog, Guillem Jover, and David Kalnischkies. Don't believe it's finally coming? Here's some output from my amd64 multiarch chroot:
$ dpkg -l '*:i386'
 / Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
 / Name           Version        Description
ii  gcc-4.5-base   4.5.2-3ubuntu2 The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  libc6          2.13-0ubuntu1+ Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libdb4.8       4.8.30-5multia Berkeley v4.8 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libgcc1        1:4.5.2-3ubunt GCC support library
in  libpam-modules <none>         (no description available)
ii  libpam0g       1.1.2-2ubuntu1 Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii  libselinux1    2.0.96-1multia SELinux runtime shared libraries
ii  libstdc++6     4.5.2-3ubuntu2 The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
iU  libuuid1       2.17.2-9.1ubun Universally Unique ID library
ii  selinux-utils  2.0.96-1multia SELinux utility programs
ii  zlib1g         1: compression library - runtime
If you're as excited about this making its way into Debian as I am, you might be wondering what you can do to help. That's great, because I'd love to tell you! Perhaps you happen to maintain a package that provides executables; and perhaps other packages depend on your package exclusively to use those executables; and perhaps some of those packages depending on your package are shared libraries. If all of the above is true, please consider declaring this package to be Multi-Arch: foreign as defined here. Note: it is very important that you not use this on any package that will provide architecture-dependent interfaces to its reverse-dependencies. So if you're shipping both shared libraries and executables in the same binary package, don't do this. But if your package does fit this description, this is one part of multiarch that you can safely start implementing today. This will go a long way towards getting the system ready to handle multiarch libraries when they land. My own efforts to help with getting Multi-Arch: foreign packages documented in the archive are trackable here.

26 January 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian related goals for 2011

Like last year, here s a list of Debian related projects that I d like to tackle this year. I might not do them all, but I like to write them down, I am more productive when I have concrete objectives.
  1. Translate my Debian book into English.
    I will run a fundraising campaign with and if enough people are interested, I will spend a few months with Roland Mas to translate the book. Hopefully this project can be completed until the summer.
  2. Finish multiarch support in dpkg.
    I m working on this with Guillem Jover right now, thanks to Linaro who is sponsoring my work.
  3. Make deb files use XZ compression by default.
    It s a simple change in dpkg-deb and it would literally save gigabytes of space on mirrors. It s particularly important so that single CD/DVD can have a more complete set of software. #556407 (on DAK) needs to be fixed first though and a project-wide discussion is in order. Some archs might want to have a different default.
  4. Be more reactive to review/merge dpkg patches.
    While we welcome help, we have a backlog of patches sitting in the BTS and it happened several times that we failed to review/merge submitted branches in a decent time. It s very frustrating for the contributor. I already tried to improve the situation by creating the Review/Merge Queue but nobody stepped up to help review and update the patches.
    As I am getting more familiar with the C part of dpkg, I hope to be able to jump in when Guillem doesn t have the time or the interest.
  5. Implement the rolling distribution proposed as part of the CUT project and try to improve the release process.
    I really want the new rolling distribution but it will inevitably have an impact on the release process. It can t be done as a standalone project. I would also like to see progress in the way we deal with transitions (see discussion here).
  6. Work more regularly on the developers-reference.
    Hopefully I will be able to combine this with my blog writing activities, i.e. write blog articles on the topics that the developers-reference shall cover and then adapt my articles with some docbook markup.
To the above list, I shall add a few supplementary goals related to funding my Debian work:
  1. Write a 10-lesson course called Smart Package Management .
    It will delivered by email to my newsletter subscribers.
  2. Create an information product (most likely an ebook or an online training) and sell it on my blog.
    The precise topic has not yet been defined although I have a few ideas. Is there something that you would like me to teach you? Leave your suggestions in a comment.
  3. By the end of the year, have at least 1/3 of my time funded by donations and/or earnings of my information products.
    More concretely it means 700 each month or a 9-fold increase compared to the current income level (around 80 /month mostly via Flattr).
That makes up lots of challenges for this year. You can help me reach those goals, join my Debian Supporters Guild and you ll be informed every time that I start something new or when you can help in specific ways.

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22 July 2010

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: Quick news: dpkg, collab-maint, alioth and the future

Dpkg got rid of Perl Let s start with the interesting part and the great news: dpkg 1.15.8 (to be uploaded soon) will no longer need perl! After my changes to rewrite update-alternatives in C, Guillem recently pushed the rewrite of dpkg-divert/mksplit in C. Please test it out (binary package for i386 or .dsc). This is rather exciting news for those who would like to use dpkg in embedded contexts. And it s great to see this completed in time for Squeeze. In Squeeze+1, we might go one step further and merge cdebconf, the C replacement for debconf. I got rid of some recurring administrative tasks I have been administrating the Alioth server since its inception (see the announce I sent in 2003) but I m no longer enjoying the day-to-day administrative work that it represents. That s why I just retired from the team. We recently recruited Tollef Fog Heen so the number of admins is still the same (that said, Alioth could benefit from some more help, if you re a DD and interested, drop a mail to or come to #alioth). Same goes for the collab-maint project. I have dealt with hundreds of requests to add new contributors to the project since it s the central repository where all Debian developers have write access and where they put the VCS for their packages that do not belong to a more specialized team. The new administrator that will approve the requests is Xavier Oswald and he s doing the work under the umbrella of the New Maintainer s Front Desk. The future I will continue to spend the same amount of time on Debian, the time freed will quickly be reallocated to other Debian and free software related projects. In fact, I even anticipated a bit by launching Flattr FOSS last week but that s a relatively simple project. :-) The other projects that will never all fit in the freed time: I want to spend more time working on dpkg. I do plan to blog more often too, but I m sure you ll notice that yourself soon. I would like to see my Debian book translated into English (another post coming on the topic sometimes soon). In my dreams, I could even start yet another software project, I have some ideas that I really would like to see implemented but I don t see how that could fit in this year s planning unless I can convince someone else to implement them! Maybe I should blog about them. Flattr this Share/Bookmark 5 comments Support my work

